At UP2STNDRD Studio, we strive to provide our clients with the best recording experience possible.
Our state-of-the-art facility is located in the heart of Glasgow City and specialises in providing high-quality recording services for all your recording needs. Spanning across all genres and art forms.
We understand the importance of having a professional sound engineer oversee your recording session, which is why all of our studio prices include the services of a qualified sound engineer.


The studio is equipped with the latest technology and can accommodate live recordings with up to 16 inputs. We make it easy for you to schedule your recording session.
To book email bookings@up2stndrd.com for any questions or inquiries regarding your upcoming recording session.
Mac OS Monterey
Avid Pro Tools Studio
Logic Pro
Maschine studio
Neuman U87i
Neumann TLM 103
Beyerndynamic TG D35 — X 4
Beyerndynamic TG I53 — X 2
Beyerndynamic TG D71 — X 1
Shure SM58 Wireless — X 4
RODE NTG1 Shotgun Mic
Native Instruments Kontrol Keyboard
Native Instruments Maschine Studio
Mapex Drumkit
Universal Audio x8p Unison preamp — 8 in 8 out
MOTU 2408 preamp — 8 in 8 out
OCTANE preamp A/D convertor — 8 in 8 out
Warm Audio WA73 EQ/PREAMP
Warm Audio WA76 Compressor/Limiting Amplifier
AVID S3 desk
Avid Dock w/iPad
RODEcaster PRO production console
Adam A5 Monitors
Event 2030 Monitors
Adam A77X Monitors
Sennheiser HD 400S headphones — X 4